Our team comprises of experts in science, engineering, technical innovation, infrastructure development, and commercialization. We have a 3x higher rate of winning compared to the national average.
We help companies win government funded projects made available through programs including the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR), Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR), Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), and Infrastructure Investment Jobs Act (IIJA).


Expand Research and Development and Infrastructure

Government Agencies have already defined their problems and are willing to fund R&D and Infrastructure Improvements. These solutions can align with a company’s technology roadmap.

Find new customers

Government customers are typically stable and long-term. They have problems that reflects the real needs and a potential market.

Can’t commit extensive time and resources

Many organizations are unable to carry out current projects while simultaneously going after new business.

Limited experience writing winning proposals

Government solicitations can be complex, require a lot of organization, and not having prior experience can lower the probability of winning.

Lacking knowledge about FARs

The Federal Acquisition Regulations (FARs) is a complex set of regulations and companies must comply with them. It takes experience and a lot of time to comprehend and be compliant.

Unfamiliarity with the government acquisition process

Government acquisition is not as simple as writing and submitting a proposal. Every agency works on a timeline, has specific goals, and has a method for generating solicitations. Understanding the process is key to winning.

Never partnered with Research organizations

Universities, National Labs, and Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs) do business with the government all the time and it helps to have one of these as your partners.


  • Over $2.5 billion in funding for small businesses by the U.S. Government
  • Trillions of dollars for Government funded Infrastructure Improvements and Research & Development (R&D)
  • Non-dilutive funding
  • Retention of intellectual property rights
  • No royalty payments
  • Low-interest loans, combined grants and loans, loan modifications, and other support
  • Ability to provide solutions for problems at the national, state, and local level


Capture Strategy
Capture Strategy
Growing Government Business
Growing Government Business
Proposal Writing
Proposal Writing
Audit and Compliance Support
Budget Preparation
Illustration/CAD Modelling
Illustration/Graphics Design
Project Management
Project Management
Identifying Opportunities
Market Research and Go-To-Market Strategy

